• Feel free to talk to us!
  • 602-516-9785 | 480-687-2712
What we do and how we can help you

At Baraka DDD LLC, we focus on providing our clients the support they need to live a safe, comfortable, and fulfilling life. We are experienced in working with individuals with developmental disabilities, their family caregivers, and other care and health professionals that may be involved in promoting their overall well-being. Our primary purpose is to support our clients’ daily living and ensure they have access to services that help them manage their condition and its effects on their everyday lives.

man with his son laughing together

As a DDD provider, we don’t want to just assist our clients. Our main goal is to guide them towards independence and this can be done by teaching them the ways to manage their needs. Our professionals can provide guided activities that promote their ability to form life decisions and perform personal care that they can do themselves, with supervision. We also offer IADLs that are essential for daily survival. These may include tasks like running errands, going to the grocery, managing their finances, monitoring the bills, providing medication reminders, cleaning the house, and preparing meals, among others.

We also know that our clients have a further need for resources that allow them to understand and manage their condition and need access to a whole host of other services. And we can link them to these resources. Clients will also be provided with support in determining their potential. And our professionals can offer them support in honing their interests and skills. With these, we can also assist them in finding employment that is in line with their training and abilities, which in turn, can help them support themselves financially.

Baraka DDD LLC is a well-rounded company that is passionate about offering our clients a chance to live a quality, productive life. And each of us understands that each client’s condition and needs are unique. And we are always here as they need us, when they need us.

Our services are available for individuals dealing with the following conditions.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition characterized by challenges in areas involving social abilities, behavioral health, and communication. Individuals with this condition may also experience difficulties with motor skills and their ways of thinking, learning, communicating, and learning may be different from other people who are not dealing with this condition. ASD is a spectrum disorder since symptoms vary depending on the individual.
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is a condition that is caused by brain injury during pregnancy, delivery, or early life stages. It can be caused by various factors and is considered one of the most common motor disabilities that affect one’s brain and muscle functions. Individuals that have this condition have issues with their muscle tone, which may affect their ability to move, posture, and balance. Individuals with this condition may experience other related conditions, including joint or spine problems, hearing and speech difficulties, epilepsy, intellectual disability, and more.
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that results in seizures, which is its main symptom. However, individuals that have epilepsy may also experience other symptoms like involuntary muscle contractions and muscle jerking, physical weakness, brief loss of consciousness and awareness, and staring into space. Each individual with the condition experience different symptoms.

Do you have more questions for us? Please let us know by sending a message or giving us a call.